“Have courage to use your own reason.” (Kant). The essay, “What is Enlightenment” was great for
its time because people did not have the freedom to think for themselves. Kings, priests, and
people in power told them how to think. Sometimes, I believe that this is true for our culture and
generation. We forget to think for ourselves. We feed off of social media and popular movements
or trends. We do the easy thing because, as Kant states, “it is so easy not to be of age.”(Kant) I
think Kant’s “What is Enlightenment” is very moving to read as we live in this day and age. It
reminds us to not let others think for us, but to think, research, and discover for ourselves.
its time because people did not have the freedom to think for themselves. Kings, priests, and
people in power told them how to think. Sometimes, I believe that this is true for our culture and
generation. We forget to think for ourselves. We feed off of social media and popular movements
or trends. We do the easy thing because, as Kant states, “it is so easy not to be of age.”(Kant) I
think Kant’s “What is Enlightenment” is very moving to read as we live in this day and age. It
reminds us to not let others think for us, but to think, research, and discover for ourselves.
Do you believe our generation or culture, as a whole, thinks on our own or do we let the media or
others influence our thoughts and beliefs?