If we are asked, “Do we now live in an enlightened age?” the answer is, “No,” but we do live in an age “of” enlightenment. I think this is a good quote to start my first blog post off on to remind ourselves that in this age when we can find the answer to just about any question that we could come up with at the tip of the fingertips and quickly get sucked down a rabbit hole that will have you questioning the existence of the universe and if humans could possible be too stupid to exist. We have come a long way since the age of enlightenment when Kant wrote those words and have made many wonderful discoveries as well as done so many stupid, stupid things. We have the internet, painkillers, electricity, planes, etc. And yet we have so far to go. Right now should be a time of enlightenment. This environment is exactly what honors is meant for. A place to grow our minds among our peers as we discuss what others have sought before us. We will seek to grow our minds before go out into the world and change it.
I commented on Caroline`s and Addison`s posts.