Wake Up, Sheeple!

"To find yourself, think for yourself." -Socrates, The Apology

If one only learns what he is taught, then all he will know is what others have decided for him. This leads to apathy and unconscious suppression. Without learning to learn and daring to know, one can  become a part of the ignorant masses who believe they are thinking for themselves, but are simply coming to conclusions laid out for them by their intellectual superiors. While seeming intellectual, those without critical thinking and a thirst for knowledge can easily assume the position of the lethargic "sheep" waiting for a shepherd.

Bearing that in mind, those who dare to know also have a responsibility. As the famous adage goes, "with great power comes great responsibility." Knowledge is power, but if one possesses it, he must deal with the consequences of its influence. As with any power, knowledge can be abused, but as true intelligence is freedom, those who possess it bear an obligation to spread it to those who are still burdened by "self-incurred tutelage" (Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment?).

In this age, we as a society have the urge to fight for freedom. However, what we do not realize is that it is already at our fingertips; we simply must dare to know.

-Abbie Hedden

PS I commented on Drew and Jacob's posts.
