What Is Enlightenment by Kant

Hey guys! I wanted to start this off by saying that I hope everyone has had a blessed week and that I can't wait to get to know all of you! Now onto the good stuff...or what I think is good stuff because this did not make much sense to me. I am still trying to get a sense of the difference between high school and college intellectual levels, and let's just say that it is harder than I thought. This text was very difficult and different for me and I just had a hard time with it.

I did, however, pick up on one thing: cowardice, which is something that I can directly relate too. Everyone was scared to use what knowledge that they acquired, and I know exactly how that feels. In high school I was much different than I am in college. Honestly? I was a coward. I let people walk all over me and I was scared of new things. Enlightenment was of course a main topic. Enlightenment for these people was a new word, and Kant was trying to express to them to not be scared of it. At least that is what I picked up during my reading. I really liked it when he started saying that things would be much easier if he had a book to understand for him and a physician to decide his diet for him (he also said other things but this I really related to *insert laughing emoji here*).

Anyway, I wanted to close out with a Bible verse, and since I talked a little bit about cowardice, I though that this one fit:

"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion." 

Proverbs 28:1


Mary Emma Davidson

Also, I tried commenting on other posts, but it wouldn't allow me to do it, so I am going to post them here:

On Luke Killam's post: I really liked what you had to say! I have always thought that people have been dependent on what others say as well as well as follow in the footsteps of very hypocritical people. Growing up in the Bible Belt, that is just what you see. But coming here I have been able to set my own pace (or I am trying to at least) and use it to put me on the right path towards God and not some windy twisty dark narrow road that I don't know. 

On Eliza Colbert's post: This was incredible! As a freshman, this honestly is very good advice to help me in the times to come for this class! I don't know what year you are, but I appreciate this nonetheless! Ever since I got here, I have had to learn to start thinking for myself. No parents or teachers holding my hand through it anymore. Thank you!! I really really enjoyed reading this! 


Luke Killam said…
It's so easy to be afraid to speak up! Whether that be through something you've learned in school, or in a situation that tests your morals. We are called to do it though! Love your verse choice, it sums the passage up perfectly!