My Barely Coherent Thoughts On Tartuffe

I'm going to be honest. I don't like plays. The one exception to this was Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade. I think Tartuffe is another exception, though. It is just more appealing to read than any other plays I've read/been forced to read. I really appreciate the irony in the fact that Tartuffe is this extremely wanted criminal, yet he uses religion as an excuse for what he is doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying or condoning anything that he did, but I just find it laughable that religion was his excuse. Being this master con artist, he knew just how to manipulate the pious Orgon. I also think it was really funny that when all seemed lost and Tartuffe reigned victorious, the tables were turned on him when he got arrested instead of Orgon. While it seemed like a corny ending to me, it was satisfying to see him fall from the top after what he did to Orgon and his family.

Edit: Commented on Cody Ercizer's and Drew Hedden's posts


Zane Duke said…
Very true dude. I have to admit that the ending was indeed the best part of the book simply because of that satisfaction that in the end truth will block out all the false holiness and hypocrisy. Which really makes me grateful for what God does for us. He fills us with truth and convicts us when we become like Tartuffe in our own ways. It's so awesome to see this work in a positive light (also now that I'm thinking about it I think the prince mentioned at the end is Jesus!! Just sayin) Thanks be to predictable endings everywhere.
Zane Duke
Christian said…
I definitely feel you on the not liking plays! But I agree, the ending folded together very quickly and cleanly. Nothing like seeing the bad guy lose!