So, Wollstonecraft is over here "talking 'bout all our mamas". From previous chapters up to now, I think we can make the apparent observation that there is some hostility between Wollstonecraft and her parents. She is made several remarks on the influence of parents before, but I must say--to an extent--I agree. She makes the argument that parents not only affect their children on the way they teach them and have them grow up but also in the child's ability to think. In most cases, a child is going to rationalize based on the environment they have grown up around. For instance, gun laws. A kid that was raised around guns with a healthy respect for them sees no need for any kind of law controlling them because there is no need for it in their eyes. However, a kid who was raised either in a city with very few guns, or even a hostile home environment with a lot of violence, may see gun laws as crucial. This is all based upon the environment which surrounds them. This is the idea Wollstonecraft tries to imply. Parents play a major role in the way we view things. Our morals our adjusted based on the morals they have set for themselves. It is not until we are placed in the world in real-life situations that we see what really matters to us. I think that Wollstonecraft believes that if kids had the ability to think on their own and interact with other children, naturally, there would not be this hierarchy system between men and women. But is this possibly how we are programmed to think because of the levels between Adam and Eve?
PS: I commented on Jacob and Gabby's posts
PS: I commented on Jacob and Gabby's posts
yet he will rule over you" (Gen. 3:16). I think that we were supposed to be equals before the fall. Now, because of the sin of pride, we can only try our best to come up beside and help our husbands, never be truly equal to them. It is only through Christian relationships that we are able to regain this sense of balance.