Educational Equality

As the son of a former 3rd grade teacher, the chapter on national education intrigued me, to say the least. Wollstonecraft believes that both public and private schools are equally flawed and that we should somehow combine the two educational systems to counter the flaws of the other. I kind of agree. What's interesting (to me at least) is that she says that kids from 5 years old to 9 years old should be educated equally, regardless of wealth or status; girls included. This proposed idea would solve all of her problems with education that she had mentioned earlier in the book. The aforementioned "need to know" education system she disagrees with so much would be eliminated, and would promote her goals of intellectual equality between the two genders. In all honesty, it's a complete win-win situation.

Edit: Commented on Osten Belew's and Jacob Clabo's posts
