One thing that I picked up on throughout these last four chapters was how lazy people are when it comes to thinking independently and having their own ideas and thoughts. Wollstonecraft says that this is extremely noticeable when it comes to parenting because kids grow up only being commanded and told to do things and what is right and wrong instead of making discoveries and observations for themselves. I also found this to be true in her later chapters when she talked about the ways in which kids should and shouldn't be schooled. Wollstonecraft says that kids should experience public schooling instead of private, and this makes sense in regard to her earlier statements. When a kid is exposed to so many different rights, wrongs, and ways of life, they are almost forced to decide and discover for themselves what is the real truth. This corresponded very well with the ideas of Kant and his tutelage. Instead of taking the easy road and letting others decide one's truths, one needs stop being lazy and think for themselves. Did anyone else make this connection with Kant?
P.S. I commented on Addison's and Gray's posts.
P.S. I commented on Addison's and Gray's posts.
P.S. Sorry if it seems like I'm rambling, I just really hate Flat Earthers and Anti-vaxxers