Pascal does this thing that really intrigues me. He talks about how the same thing that makes man irrelevant and minuscule is also the thing that makes him higher than any other created being. Our knowledge of being alive makes us greater than a tree because we know that we are alive. But know that we are alive saddens us when we feel spiritually dead, and in that way trees have the upper hand (having lack of the crippling depression).
He also talks about how nature naturally opposes us. When we are pompous and arrogant God humbles us, but when we are humble he raises us up to the stars. When we go high he drags us low, when we go low he brings us high. When we try to make our own name great he tears it down, but when we make His name great in all that we do (when we let Him) He makes our names into something worth having.
The things that make us one of the most precious of all created things also makes us the most broken of them all.
I commented on Abbie’s and Madison’s posts.
I commented on Abbie’s and Madison’s posts.