Looking at the Big Picture, not the Tiny Details - Zane Duke

Hello friends. Do excuse my tardiness, I am in the midst of a wild week. IT'S SPEC WEEK. And I may or may not be freaking out.

One thing that I have noticed Pascal putting an emphasis on is the idea that we as humans tend to look for the center of things rather than embracing the circumference. This struck me right on the face, considering that so many things in our lives are like this: out of every career in this entire world, we are told to pick just one or if you play instruments like I do, you should only play one-- but the problem with this is that as soon as you get deep into the center of the details of whatever it is you're focusing on. Once you get to this point, your mind becomes closed to everything else around you and because of it you don't take the time to at least appreciate the world around you. This happens especially in music, because people dive into their craft and then forget that there are tons of other people who are just as good or better (especially better) at other things. The beauty of the world is out there for all to enjoy, and if you're too stuck up your own butt to smell the roses, you're missing out on everything else the world has to offer.

'nuff said. Come see spec! I get to be a character (technically).
