What stuck out to me most in the reading from Pascal was the last thing he said. He speaks of proud people humbling themselves. I think I'm going to make this blog a little personal. So often in my own life, I find myself elevating me over God. I tend to overtake the throne of my life without even thinking about it. So often I think that I'm "smart" enough, or that I'm "good" enough to be in charge. I think I have it all figured out. But isn't that what pride is? Elevating oneself over God based on our own selfish ambition? It is so easy to do. Especially for me. I know that it is incorrect. I know that God is all-knowing, and all-powerful, and all-loving, but I still put myself in charge. Why? In what world does that make any sense? I, a finite being, want to control something that I can't be good enough, or strong enough, or smart enough to control. What bugs me so much about it is the fact that I understand it is wrong, yet I still do it. I do not expect to be perfect or even close to it. What bugs me, even more, is the fact that when I do let God be on the throne of my life, He leads me and teaches me in ways I could not have even fathomed. I know that this probably isn't what was expected of me to write on, but it is just what I thought of when I read.
I commented on Anna Grace's and Madison's posts.