Late Night Bonus Blog - Jacob Clabo

Basically what I picked up on from Pascal's "zingers" was that, at first, almost all of them seem contradictory, but then once you think about it, they start to become a very true and even potent statement. I think my favorite one would have to be the one that says, "I have often said that the sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room," and that is because I find it to be very true. Now, while I do not have much trouble being content with myself being alone with my thoughts, I can easily see that one's fidgety nature could cause one to start filling their lives with unnecessary tasks and actions just to occupy their time. These tasks don't even have to be meaningful or productive. All they have to do is fill the space so that one isn't forced to sit and think introspectively because when one begins to do that, that's when they are starting to become "dangerous." Now, this is just my thoughts on this specific zinger. Did anyone also think along these lines or get something different out of this section?
