Pascal's Pensées // Mackenzie Jackson

      There were many of Pascal's points that I would love to discuss in this bonus blog, but my most favorite one is #99.
      Pascal begins by saying "Man is so made that if he is told often enough that he is a fool he believes it." This is so true and really hit a deep spot in my heart. I love sports and have always played many. I have the wonderful opportunity to play softball here at the University of Mobile, and many times in softball this reading has applied. If I make a mistake, I sometimes will catch myself saying 'I suck'. This is terrible because if I continue to tell myself this I will eventually suck. This might not be because my physical abilities are inferior, but because in my mind I am convinced 'I suck', my actions will follow. I have also experienced this in school. I was always in the honor classes, but I did not think they were that hard. If my friends applied themselves as I did, they could do the same. When I asked them why they were not in honors classes, they would always respond by telling me that they were "not smart enough" or "did not have the energy to work hard". In reality, they did, but because they told themselves they did not have the capabilities, they truly believed it. This always made me upset because I knew how amazing they were and the wonderful abilities they had.
      Pascal also says "Evil communications corrupt good manners". People need to understand how much their words truly mean. I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I have definitely said things I regret and would hate to be said to me, but I have also been the victim of hurtful words. I hope people understand that the things they say are very important and can make or break some people. We should all make it our top priority to be intentional with others and show love every single day.
      I hope this all made sense!
