In chapter four of Silence, the overall feel of the novel becomes a bit darker as we witness Rodrigues questioning his faith.
As I was reading, I became slightly frustrated with him. Rodrigues was not only one of the main believers in the story, but he was also, arguably, the strongest. When he began having doubts about God and Christianity, I was almost disappointed.
But when I looked deeper into the reasons why Rodrigues came to doubt, my attitude quickly changed. Shusaku Endo's book is called Silence and for good reason. As all of these horrific tragedies are occurring in Japan, no one else seems to care. Believers from other nations are not rushing to go and aid their brothers and sisters. In fact, most Christians outside of Japan don't even know of the foreign conflict. I began to think of how I would feel in that same situation and how much I would start to question Matthew 6:26-27. The verse talks about how God cares for even the smallest of creatures and encourages us not to worry, but to trust that our Father will take care of us. But after witnessing so many people die and watching further as no one comes to mourn, or to prevent more tragedies from happening; I wonder how long it would take before all of the verses in the Bible were scrutinized as just meaningless words on a page.
Edit - Replied to Leanne White and Rachael Gregson
As I was reading, I became slightly frustrated with him. Rodrigues was not only one of the main believers in the story, but he was also, arguably, the strongest. When he began having doubts about God and Christianity, I was almost disappointed.
But when I looked deeper into the reasons why Rodrigues came to doubt, my attitude quickly changed. Shusaku Endo's book is called Silence and for good reason. As all of these horrific tragedies are occurring in Japan, no one else seems to care. Believers from other nations are not rushing to go and aid their brothers and sisters. In fact, most Christians outside of Japan don't even know of the foreign conflict. I began to think of how I would feel in that same situation and how much I would start to question Matthew 6:26-27. The verse talks about how God cares for even the smallest of creatures and encourages us not to worry, but to trust that our Father will take care of us. But after witnessing so many people die and watching further as no one comes to mourn, or to prevent more tragedies from happening; I wonder how long it would take before all of the verses in the Bible were scrutinized as just meaningless words on a page.
Edit - Replied to Leanne White and Rachael Gregson