The Heart of the Believer By Joshua Evers

I had to stop and write this post after reading letter 4, specifically the deaths of Ichizo and Mokichi, as my heart ached at the outcome of the two men. However, I appreciated the letter detailing their interrogation by the officials.

In letter 4, specifically on page 58, the following occurs " The next step was,,,'trample on the fumie.' A board to which was attached an image of the Virgin and Child was placed at their feet. Following my advice, Kichijiro was the first to place his foot on the image; and after him Mokichi and Ichizo did likewise..."

Reading this led to a sour taste in my mouth. I do not care about walking over a picture that may be an extremely inaccurate representation of Mary and the Risen Savior, but this act conveyed to the Samurai that they claimed to Not follow Christ as Lord. Heartbroken, I believe Ichizo and Mokichi only trampled over the image because it was recommended by Rodrigues and Kichijiro did it first. However, we see that they could not muster the action to disgrace the fumie by spitting on it. I believe that Christians finding the inability to curse their Savior at extreme persecution, do so solely by the power of the Holy Spirit.

"Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says 'Jesus is accursed!' and no one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except in the Holy Spirit." 1 Corinthians 12:3

These men displayed power of the Holy Spirit, unable to profane the name of Christ and following Him faithfully to death. Aside from this, I find it crucial to make an important observation. I'm not intending to slander Catholicism, but observing the extreme necessity of a priest as communicated by the author hurts my heart. It's as though Christians need a priest to truly be obedient to Christ. As a born again believer, we all have direct access to God. This is through Christ Jesus. He is our mediator. Someone who pleads to the Father on our behalf, and we couldn't have anyone better than the eternal Son of God Himself!!

I commented on the posts of Moriah and Clabo.
