The Importance of Alberto - Jamie Peters

       I really do not have much to say about "Survival in Auschwitz" that has not already been said. The only thing that I can say about this book that has really stuck out to me as unexpected is Levi's relationship with Alberto. He started out as just a bedmate when Levi was moved into a different Kommando, and from then on he was the closest thing he had to a friend. Their entire relationship is one of complete trust- Alberto helps Levi survive the physical exhaustion, and Levi encourages Alberto by trusting him (Levi seemingly does that a lot more than he thinks).
       Their last encounter with each other is heartbreaking; they had already discussed their wills and testaments to each other in case one of them got out. Although Alberto's seemingly needless sacrifices were tragic, they helped Levi be able to see the intricacies of his life clearly. Alberto in his life helped Levi survive Auschwitz because he was a man among beasts. Levi used his example to remind himself that he, too, was a man.

I commented on Logan's and Leanne's posts.


Drew Hedden said…
Honestly, the emergence and development of Alberto as a significant character was one of the few redeeming parts of the book. I found it really interesting and meaningful that such a character could exist because it seemed in the first half of the book that Levi never truly had friends, which seriously contributed to the feelings of worthlessness and lack of individuality.
Alberto is undeniably one of the key factors to Levi's survival. It is so beautiful to me to see how a friendship can be formed in even the most traumatic of environments. And I agree, their last encounter was truly heartbreaking and unfair. But Levi surely treasured that friendship for the rest of his life.
Joshua Evers said…
Yes! The idea of friendship itself proved to be a jewel in Auschwitz. The mental benefits alone proved to be a great survival factor, not to mention how they trusted each other so well. I would certainly need a friend in such a terrible situation, and I can't imagine how thankful Levi was for their relationship.