"Why did you kill John Dawson?"- the most significant question in the story, and it gets left unanswered. I think that the question gets left unanswered is largely because Elisha himself didn't really have an answer. The answer "because he's the enemy" that Gad would typically resort to didn't reside well in Elisha. He attempted to justify it by saying he hated him - because he was an Englishman - but Elisha couldn't bring himself to hate John, try as he might. He even tries to say "I hate him not because he's my enemy, not because he hates me, but because he arouses me to hate," but even Elisha doesn't believe it. So the question remains- why did he do it? Why kill John Dawson?
P.S. I apologize for the late post, my internet at home was down all weekend.
Edit: Commented on Caroline Tucker's and Rebecca Belew's posts
P.S. I apologize for the late post, my internet at home was down all weekend.
Edit: Commented on Caroline Tucker's and Rebecca Belew's posts