This is not like my usual post where I take a line that stuck out to me and describe why. This is something a little deeper and probably something that most people wouldn't want to read. I'm somewhat hesitant to write about it, but I usually write about what stuck out to me so I suppose I will keep that trend going (it is just more than one little line). What stuck out to me the most was the story of Alba on page 340 and following. The description of her abduction, as well as the way they treated her, reminded me mostly of current-day sex trafficking. Obviously, this is a huge deal that tons of people are passionate about. This is not something that I have spent a great deal of time studying or anything along those lines, but it is something that I do know a little about. Statistically, 99% of people sex trafficked are women and 21% of those women are children. CHILDREN? Little girl? Really? How sick does someone have to be? Anyways, the majority of those girls are given (against their will) drugs and alcohol to keep them in a state in which these sick and twisted people can control them. The worst part, in my opinion, is that most of them are seen in the pornography industry. I believe the number is 90% of women filmed in pornography are actually forced to do these videos. They are heavily influenced by drugs and alcohol, and most not told what is going to happen to them. I won't go into any more details on this just because it is disturbing. This really stuck out to me primarily because it is such a big deal today. I thought about going deeper into this, but I felt as though it was too graphic for a post that can be viewed by anyone. Anyways, this was what I thought of.
I commented on Drew's and Clabo's posts.
I commented on Drew's and Clabo's posts.