Throughout reading Things Fall Apart, I was struck with the theme of atonement. Everything has to be paid for - a life for a life, in some cases. In the beginning, with the murder of the Umuofian woman, the Mbaino tribe atoned for her death by giving Okonkwo a virgin and a boy named Ikemefuna. In this case, it was two lives sacrificed in order to prevent the loss of more in a war. Later, Okonkwo beats his youngest wife in order for her to atone for her supposed negligence. He must then atone for breaking the peace in the Week of Peace by sacrificing. Finally, one of Okonkwo's guns explodes and kills a teenage boy. By law, he is responsible for this death - even if only adjuctly - and had to atone for it by seven years in exile with his family.
Every time someone atoned for their downfalls, I was reminded of the realization I had as a child in Sunday School. No matter how many times I sin, it's already been justified. Jesus knew about every single sin I would commit before He died on the cross, and He did it anyway. What a perfect atonement that is! Nothing Okonkwo did really accounted for his crimes because there was still a guilt left after. With Jesus, there is no guilt and no shame - it has all been washed away. I can't help but hear the old hymn "Pow'r In The Blood" as I think about His glory!