What in the? - Clabo

From the very beginning of this book, I was hooked by its strange events and occurrences. I hate the "Hallmark" mentality of having a plot line so basic that you know the ending from the very beginning. I started reading this book not knowing what to expect and was very intrigued. At the very first of many plot twists I was completely engaged in this disturbing but captivating story line. I think my favorite line was still in the very beginning when Clara spoke out during Mass and was accused of being possessed. This strange, unpredictable, and slightly mortifying novel has made me laugh many times but has also made me cringe and be filled with anticipation of what is going to happen next. One thing I am slightly confused about is why Esteban Garcia did not attempt to kill Esteban Trueba when he had the chance. I am not sure what is meant to come from the series of events between those two but I am sure that it is most likely going to be something unexpected. Honestly, I really am kind of just shocked by the sheer randomness of this plot-line. I just don't know what to say about the book or what I found interesting because this book is just interesting to me in its entirety.

How did you guys feel about this book so far, and do you have any similar thoughts or ideas?

P.S. I commented on Moriah's and Drew's posts.


Eliza Colbert said…
I think your confusion and not knowing how to respond is exactly what Allende was going for. This book is supposed to be as true to life as it can and confusion and not knowing how to react is very much in line with how we respond to real life. Our current situation with Covid 19 is actually a pretty good example of that.
Joshua Evers said…
I really like the confusion as well. I have a bad habit for losing interest when I feel as though I can predict in detail the plot of the story. This story is so weird, and so drawn out at that. Many novels cover the life of an individual, but three generations keeps me from knowing what will happen next. Good post!
Rachael Gregson said…
Your comment about the predictable Hallmark plot line made me chuckle. Yep, there is no Hallmark in this book, not at all. I think that's what makes this book so compelling and unputdownable, so to speak. When you think you've caught onto Isabel's tricks, she throws you another curveball. Really hoping this pear-shaped book ties up nicely in the end though. What exactly is its purpose?
Luke Killam said…
"A disturbing but captivating storyline..."

That captures exactly how I feel about this novel. The content is ravenous and horrid, yet everything changes so often, it hooks you. It's a lot like our world today. Even though we see how terrible and morbid that it is, we still can fall prey to the same desires.
Breanna Poole said…
This book is interesting in the plot department, because we're never really sure where it's going to go next. This book is character-driven, so it makes sense, as these characters are written to be more realistic than most, and so they act more rashly and do things we don't expect because that's how people act! I agree with what you have said in your blog past, about how it can be confusing at times, but at the same time, that's what makes this novel so much fun.