Through the reading, we see that Noah feels as if he's unable to truly reside in any group because of his mixed race. As he goes through school, he tries to find out where he feels more comfortable... with the white or black race. For sometime he resided in the A class rather than the B. As he made decisions, he switched to the B class due to his comfort, "Because I had a white father, because I'd been in white Sunday School, I got along with the white kids, but I didn't belong with the white kids. I wasn't apart of their tribe. But the black kids embraced me" (Noah 59). This decision, this moment impacted the rest of Noah's life. Psalm 55:13 says, "Instead, it is you - my equal, my companion and close friend. Nothing hurts as much as a wound from a friend, a group. Real friends, however, stick by you in times of trouble and offer love, acceptance, and understanding. At times our friends will lovingly confront us, but their motive will be to help. Noah is trying to emphasize that people group up who are similar to them in racial status and wealth. Noah didn't belong to a group so he was labeled as an outsider.
I commented on Clabo and Josh's post
I commented on Clabo and Josh's post