God of the old and new ______ Osten

Wow! after reading the ending of this I am certain that God still works miracles. The entire time I was expecting his mother to die because like who survives a gunshot to the back of the head. Trevor's mom apparently. How can you walk away from that and still not believe that God is good? It makes me wonder how she eventually died. I was also amazingly surprised at Trevor's dedication to his mom that he would be willing to take the risk to lose everything he had and ever would have just to save his mom. He HATED eating worms but he would rather do that the rest of his life than lose his mom. That's quite strange considering he wouldn't stick around with her and Able. He would rather let her deal with her own problems and probably never see her again but if it was a matter of life and death he would d anything for her. It really got me when they had a police report done and they said it was impossible for a gun like that to misfire the way it did. The God of the old testament is the same God in the new testament and the same God today.


Zane Duke said…
I also thoroughly enjoyed the ending. I wouldn't necessarily say that there is a contradiction with what he was doing in terms of the situation with Abel to begin with. I think that he was right in doing what he did. His mother was just trying to protect herself and her children, and the only thing I can do is admire her courage and know better than to treat a woman the way Abel did (which I already knew in the first place, but that's beside the point.) I really loved God's faithfulness through the ages shining through in the end, this was perhaps my favorite part of the whole story.
Ezra Kennedy said…
I feel like the way the book ended complimented the way the book started in a way. In the beginning we see Trevor talking about God’s true intentions and wanting them to stay home and whatnot, and his mom being adamant and faithful. And in the end, when she is shot in the back of the head, but survives when “logically” it seems impossible, I can’t help but think that this instance his a pivotal moment for Trevor or even a moment of reinforcement of his faith.