My Thoughts on “The Past Ahead” - Caroline Tucker

The Past Ahead is definitely in the same boat as The House of Spirits. The Past Ahead does not have the same mystical points but it has the same weird essence. The Past Ahead jumps around so much that sometimes I have a hard time figuring out where the characters are in their “timeline”. I have no doubt that The Past Ahead will grow on me. As most books do. However, I am currently at a loss of where we, as the reader, are heading. 

I am grateful for the warning signs Gatore gives us. They were definitely needed. The warnings reminded me of Niko’s imagination and how everything described might not be happening. There were several times that I could not tell if he was dreaming or if it was actually happening.

I think that once I get deeper into the book, I will have a better understanding of the situations happening in the book and the overall purpose of the novel.

P.s. I commented on Moriah’s and Clabo’s posts.


I am glad you noted the book's essence. I agree that it does have the same energy as The House of the Spirits.
Osten said…
I think that's the fun of it, not knowing where you are. In fact, It may make the book more difficult to read if you are always trying to figure out where you are or find meaning in things. With postmodern literature it's easier to read it more like a lazy river than a swimming pool. Yes, it can be difficult to distinguish dream from reality but that's the point. I doubt Niko knows the difference either.
Eliza Colbert said…
This is definitely a book that's probably better the second or even third time you read through it. Once you understand what's happening, you can better grasp what Gatore is trying to say. The book is confusing on purpose, but I think, like you said, it can grow on you.
Clabo said…
I also felt the same disoriented vibe that I got from the House of Spirits. But sadly this one is much more traumatic, which I originally thought would be impossible, but once again I was wrong. I'm looking forward to seeing the connections and lines Gatore draws between Niko and Isaro. I feel as if they are both connected in some way or another.