One thing I have recognized through this reading is that Niko is very unsure of himself. It seems as though he tends to overthink things. Heres an example, Gatore writes, "As always, Niko finds his first assumption too simplistic." I somewhat relate to the whole overthinking idea. I am the type of person to think something, then second-guess that thought, then go on to second guess the third thought (or I suppose to third-guess it.. if that's even a thing?). It seems as though Niko is the same way. He does not seem very confident in any of his assumptions. One thing I have learned is that second-guessing any situation isn't always as helpful as one might think. Often times, I have overthought a situation to the point it made me anxious, then when it happened everything was fine. I often do this with big decisions or potential conversations that play throughout my head. I like the story thus far. It is a little strange but in a good way, at least in my opinion. This was a rather short blog post for me, but it is what stuck out to me in the reading because it reminded me of me. What do you guys think?
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