I must admit that this book has caught me off guard, the initial paragraph prepared me for a confusing and intriguing read. However, I have found Isaro to be more clear than expected and I believe I am piecing together something. The past cannot be forgotten for a couple reasons. One, it offers learning. Two, it sadly carries trauma with it. Three, the past, although it has already occurred, will continue to impact the present and future. Understanding the horrific background of the book, it is clear that the past is very much ahead. It is not over and seeking to cover it up or get rid of it only stores more trauma. This reminds me of countless times people try to cover up terrible things that have happened and pretend they never occurred. Murder, rape, fatalities, and other horrible events can easily scar someone for life, but treating the wound is certainly the best thing a person can do.
I commented on the posts of AnnaKate and Moriah.
I commented on the posts of AnnaKate and Moriah.