the power within

Spencer Wood

this book seems really interesting so far and I'm pretty excited to have a change of pace with the reading list. it probably is just the postmodern writing style but it's definitely working for me and keeping me engaged. right off the rip, the first paragraph got me hooked.

a warning

this really made me think back to my middle school days, reading the Percy Jackson series. the first book starts with a warning to the reader similarly to Gatore's. even after the immediate hook I was drawn in even more with the imagery of this woman writing down her story, going back and forth between fits of passionate authorship to points of passive stillness wondering if she's doing the right thing.
thins made me think back to when I was released from the hospital in October. I desperately wanted to write my story down, for many reasons. mainly so I wouldn't forget what happened and how I felt so that my future is not doomed to repetition. but also so I could forget. to relinquish my memories to the paper I wrote on so that they no longer had a looming existence in my mind.

I felt like I was in the story this time. and I haven't felt that in a long time. I'm excited to see what comes next.
