This book has been the toughest read so far for me personally. I have absolutely no doubt that the disclaimer at the beginning was one-hundred percent directed at me personally. I have a hard time reading narratives with no clear discernment between fiction and reality or past and present, and that's exactly what this is. Now, you may be wondering, "AnnaKate, didn't you LOVE reading The Waste Land? Don't you read early modern and postmodern poetry for fun?" The answer to those questions is a resounding yes, but for some reason The Past Ahead is completely different. I think it's because I was expecting this book to be more like the Holocaust memoirs we've read. Since all three of these works were narratives about genocide, I presumed that they would be similar. But boy was I wrong. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the challenge, and hopefully as we progress I'll grasp the content well enough to give a more thorough examination of it.
zane & rebecca
zane & rebecca